Red Rose Exfoliant is a blend of organic red rose petals, alkaline sea salt, and rose water. The exfoliant works to boost collagen production, gently remove dead skin cells, strengthens skin cells and tissues as well as heals blemishes. The exfoliant works to remove dark spots, and works to reduce acne scars more rapidly while hydrating the skin. The Red Rose Exfoliant works best for more sensitive skin in which the rose petals are soft and not abrasive on the skin
Organic Rose Exfoliant
- After washing the face, leave skin mildly damp
- Spread a pint size amount of exfoliant in the palm of the hand
- Sprinkle a few drops of warm water until a paste forms
- Once paste forms, massage into face using circular motion from the forehead down to the chin
- Let the exfoliant sit on face for approximately 1 minute
- Rinse face completely with warm water
- Use Videau Face Oil to moisturize post exfoliant