Videau Natural Health

Whell Rooted
WHELL ROOTED is an intense yet gentle health program part of the Videau Natural Health service that promotes optimal health by using nutrient-dense and powerful superfoods as medicine, minerals, and vitamins to bring the body back to wholeness and health. Pharmacological doses of vitamins, minerals, and specific foods are integrated to repair and stimulate deficient organs. The goal is to return and train your body to receive an optimum level of nutrients to maximize health at your body's highest level. We incorporate Nutritional Drainage; a non-invasive treatment that cleanses the body via curated foods to drain and detox chemicals, toxins, hazardous waste from the body safely. We work closely with our patients on the journey to wellness and provide Care Planning, Coaching, and Coordination of care all of which are assimilated into your health program to help you achieve your health goals.

Women's Health
This health program focuses on health issues that include Fibroid health, Fertility, and Maternal Health.

Hair and Skin Treatment
The Hair and Skin Health program focuses on repairing hair and skin conditions from the root by incorporating specific nutrient-dense foods, Phytomedicine specific to your body, and Organotherapy.

Whole Body Health
The Whole Body Health program focuses on the whole body, including Detox and Drainage, Gut Health, Organotherapy (treating deficient organs), and Nutritional Organotherapy.